Custom cookies for every occasion. If you have an idea in your mind, we can “cookie-that!”
Use the form below to begin your order process. Try to be as thorough as you can be. Remember the more information your share with us, the better. There are a lot of details in this process and we want to get them right for you.
Cookies are priced based on how many designs per dozen and extent of detail (piping, metallic, # of colors). Please see the 2 different categories below for pricing and descriptions. Please keep in mind that this is a generalized guide. To receive a custom price estimate, fill out the order inquiry form above.
Basic Design: (minimal detail, no metallic, 4 colors, 4 designs)
Detailed Design: (piping detail, metallic, +4 colors, +4 designs)
Logo cookies: (made on edible printer and may includes custom detail)
The Utmost Cookie has an “eddie”, edible printer that allows for logos and pictures to be directly printed on cookie. Please fill out request form for pricing.
Pre-sales for holidays and events are generally listed on the website approximately 1 month prior to delivery. A cut-off date will be listed in order to reserve your item.